After I left the house and started down a side road, I
realized I had the hiccups, and I wished I’d gotten a drink before heading out
to pay rent. Continuing on, I tried to get rid of the hiccups by
swallowing and breathing deeply, but most of the time, the only way I get rid
of hiccups is by getting a drink.
As I turned a corner, three dogs dashed up behind me—growling
and barking, and I jumped, not knowing what they might do. Afterwards, when I calmed down, I thought about my hiccups,
waited and realized they were gone. Realizing how the dogs scaring me had
chased away the hiccups, I remembered my Dad.
As a child, whenever any of us four children had the hiccups
and he happened to be around, he would generally suggest scaring them away and
sometimes he would try. :) Thinking of my Dad scaring away hiccups
brought to mind how my heavenly Father is always watching, and I smiled, then
laughed, as I pictured my heavenly Father sending those dogs to scare away my
hiccups! :)
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” ~ Matthew 10:29-31
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