Saturday, September 17, 2011

Psalm 23 through the eyes of a 14-year-old

Excerpt quoted word for word from my devotional journal from Friday/Saturday, December 28/29, 2001:

Psalms 23

‘The Lord is my shepherd.’
He will take care of me, protect me, strengthen me, comfort me, guide me, and love me.

‘I shall not be in want.’
He provides all I need therefore I should be content.

‘He makes me lie down in green pastures.’
He guides me to a resting place and tells me to use it to be revived.

‘He leads me beside quiet waters.’
He gives me peace, and he expects me to use it wisely to revive myself through Him.

‘He restores my soul.’
When I get weary of doing good or lost in the ways of this world, like not spending enough time with Him, then he brings me back. (I feel that’s where I am, being revived.)

‘He guides me through paths of righteousness for His names’ sake.’
He guides me in the way of His will. He makes sure I follow Him to spread the word about him.

‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me.’
Even when I go through hard times, if a family member died, or a friend, or if I (get a bad grade) get lost in the world, I don’t have to be afraid for you are with me! I love this promise, even though I forget it often.

‘Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’
I’m not sure how to interpret ‘your rod and your staff’ but it could mean the Holy Spirit, the church, his hand, or miracles, whatever it is I can be comforted by Him.

‘You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.’
You honor my faithfulness before others. For example, I get praised for a good deed in a class or something.

‘You anoint my head with oil.’
You claim me as yours and pronounce me your daughter (a princess).

‘my cup overflows’
I should be so filled with joy that I can’t contain it. (I am sometimes).

‘Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.’
If I stay with God, he will bless and reward me (even if it only comes at the end).

‘and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
I will go to heaven and spend eternity worshiping God, my Father.

God loves me and you.

Father, I know you love and want to watch over me so please help me to accept your perfect gift.
Yours always,

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